Total Spine Health uses Carebit for management all patients notes, letters and appointments. This state of the art, cloud based system works through a secure portal system which means all letters and appointments are available to you from the convenience of your phone. When you register with Total Spine Health, you will be given access to an email portal which will contain all your letters, appointment locations and times. This means you never have to worry about losing documents. These can be easily printed at home if you prefer your letters and appointments in paper format.
The consent process starts right from the moment you first meet a clinician. The risks and benefits of operative and non-operative management of spinal conditions should always be weighed up. Mr Quaye believes that surgery should always be avoided if possible, but when it is necessary it is important to consider the risk of the operation and the anaesthetic. Every patient is different, as are their risks.
If an operation is scheduled, you will need to meet Mr Quaye just prior to the operation date to specifically go through the operation in detail, and to review the risks and benefit again. This is a nationally recognised standard of care for both private practice and the NHS. Self-funding patients will have this appointment included as part of their package.
British Spine Registry
The British Spine Registry (BSR) is a national database of surgical outcomes for patients undergoing spinal surgery. This is completely separate from the surgeon and the hospital, and is used to collect outcome data via automated questionnaires at set intervals post operatively. They are quick and easy to fill out and are kept completely confidential. This has been used in the NHS for some time and is starting to become mandated by most insurance providers as a condition of recognition for most surgeons. If you do not wish to be involved in this process, please let Mr Quaye or his secretary know.
More information can be found on the BSR here.
TSH Responsibility
Total Spine Health and all members of associated staff will do their very best to make your journey as easy and as stress free as possible. To us, the patient is paramount and all aspects of your care are treated with kindness, professionalism, and in the strictest of confidence.
We strictly operate in line with UK General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) as outlined in the Data Protection Act 2018.