PMI vs Self-Fund

When looking at funding spinal care there are various options available. Not all insurance companies are equal. Many will have limitations on who you can see, levels of cover, limitations in procedures, and even locations. It is important to check with your provider so you can get the most out of your cover. Some insurance companies allow you to ‘top up’ if they do not cover all the fees, but this depends on the patient’s policy.

Alternatively, self-funding is becoming more popular than ever. This puts you back in control . It means you don’t have any limitations on procedures, or have to deal with the paperwork from your insurance company to request prior approval. Quotes can be arranged on request, and various interest free funding options are available with our partners at Nuffield Health and Spire Healthcare.

Total Spine Health will only work insurance companies that provide patients with the best cover for spinal problems. The following companies are recognised by Total Spine Health as partners.

Total Spine Health regularly review insurance providers performance and levels of cover for spinal care. In exceptional circumstances, it may be necessary to change recognition status.